Three pigs and a wolf 3匹のこぶた

  • 2021年5月19日
  • 2021年5月26日
  • 作品集
  • 12ビュー

Three pigs and a wolf

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. – Their name were Yosuke, Emi, and Non. –
All of them made up their minds to build their own houses by themselves.

Yosuke, he was going to build his with straw.
Emi , she was going to build hers with wood.
Non , she was going to build hers with blocks.

It was very easy to build a house with straw, so soon Yosuke got his work done, and come to see the other two pigs and said,
” You are crazy not building a house with straw. It was so easy. I finished building mine already. I will play in my house. Well, You may come – to my house anytime.”

Emi said,
“Your house is easy to be build, and also eadsy to be broken. If your house gets broken, come to my house. That would be stronger than yours. ok?”

Later, Emi got through her work, and she came up to Non, and said,
” It is hard for you to build a house with blocks, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” Non said.

“Stop building it and come! to my house.”
“Thank you, but I like my house, my strong house.”
” ok. You may come to my wood house any time if you would like to !”
” Thank you, you may come to my house to any time, too.”

Now, there was a wolf, too. His name was Hideki. He came to Yosuke’s house and said,
“Open the door, open it and I’ll eat you.”
“No, thank you. Go back, there are some other pigs out there, they are delicious, you know?”
“Yes, I’ll go there.
“Yes. You are right.”
“Later, I’ll eat you”
“No, before you eat me, please. I don’t taste good. You won’t want to eat me.”
“Open it, or I’ll brake your house. If It If I do so, I’ll lose my time and you’ll lose your house, too. It would be a double loss, wouldn’t it?”
“And I’ll lose my life.”
“Yes, then I’ll get to eat your meet! Isn’t it fair?”
“No help me. If you help me, I’ll take you to my friends’ house.”
“If you open the door, I’ll have you into my stomack,baby.”
“Don’t be afraid. Take it easy. You’ll be all right. Open the door.”
“Ok, I’ll brake your house, wait a minute.”

Hideki took in breath hard and gave out breath hard.

The Yosuke’s house got broken.

“Oh no, I’m gonna run away to my friend’s house. Emi’s house is near. ”
“oh my mistake he is running away. I’ve got to go after him”

“Help me please, Emi”
“What’s the matter?”
“A wolf broke into my house to get me.”
“You knew your house was easy to be broken, didn’t you?”
“Yes, but look, look at him the wolf. He is coming.”
“You are a wolf for me, too?”
“Help me, he’s coming here.”
“ok. I’ll lend you a stick.”
“No open the door and let me come in.”
“Oh, just a minute, I ask my father.”
“Just now, let me come in. He is here.”
“Ok come in ”
“Thank you”

“Where is he?”
“Who is he?”
“Little pig is to be in my stomack !”
“Oh, I don’t know.”
“Ok ok. Open the door and I’ll look for him.”
“If I open the door, will you eat me?”
“If he is there, I’ll eat him and … Do you want to te be eaten first?”
“No, and I won’t open the door.”
“Ok, I can tell you. He is here and I’ll brake this house and look for him.”
“Do whatever you want to. My house is strong.”

Hideki took in breath hard and gave out breath hard.
But there was a the house.

“You know. My house is strong.”
“Ok Ok,Just a minute.”

Hideki kicked the house and the house got bloken.

“You know. My legs are strong enough to brake a house?”

“Oh Yosuke You are to be eaten.”
No, let’s run away to Non’s house.”

“Help me.”
“What’s matter, Emi?”
“The wolf came to Yosuke’s house and ate him.”
“No, I’m here.”
“If you had been eaten, my house didn’t get broken.”
“Oh, please help me Non.”
“Ok. come in.”
“Thank you.”

“Where are them?”
“Who are you talking about?”
“Little pigs . my friends.”
“I know, they are here.”
“Give them to me.”
“What are you going to do to them?”
“I’ll eat them.”
“Ok, then I can’t open the door.”
“ok, then I’ll brake your house.”

Hideki took in breath hard. But the house was there. He kicked the house.

Could he brake the house ?

He broke his own leg instead and ran away.

“Pour wolf. Some how I feel bad for him.”

“He will be all right for he insured himself.”




救い主の生まれた日、そして十字架上で命を捨てられた日を知りたいと思い、調べてみました。 救い主=旧約聖書のエホバ=新約聖書のイエス・キリスト、地の創造者、贖い主、傷の無い子羊、神さまの御子、その他多くの名前で呼ばれる方。 は、 永[…]


Timeline of the Savior’s Second Coming (Latter Days) 旧約聖書のアダムの時代は6000年前(紀元前4000年ころ)にあたる。 救い主の誕生は2000年前(紀元0年ころ)でヨハネはそ[…]
















救い主の生まれた日、そして十字架上で命を捨てられた日を知りたいと思い、調べてみました。 救い主=旧約聖書のエホバ=新約聖書のイエス・キリスト、地の創造者、贖い主、傷の無い子羊、神さまの御子、その他多くの名前で呼ばれる方。 は、 永[…]


Timeline of the Savior’s Second Coming (Latter Days) 旧約聖書のアダムの時代は6000年前(紀元前4000年ころ)にあたる。 救い主の誕生は2000年前(紀元0年ころ)でヨハネはそ[…]





ー 広告 ー
